
By Arun AK, 5 November, 2019

Sometimes you may need to alter a template that is provided by a module. Usually, you will be able to override the template by copy it into your themes template directory.

But in a case such as Drupal multi-site setup with a single code base and shared the theme, it is difficult to alter template specifically for a particular website. Then if you are doing it using a module you will be able to achieve for a particular website.

The hook hook_theme_registry_alter() will help to alter the template path for a particular theme function.

By Arun AK, 18 June, 2017

In Drupal 8 theming and templating are quite different than in Drupal 7. But D8 is providing very seamless options and lots of addons to make theming easy.

One of the power tool which helps to debugging and theming is Kint. Kint is a powerful and modern PHP debugging tool. Kint wisely detects what kind of data is being displayed and provides nicely formated data.